Our consultants work with the management of your organization to develop a business plan that establishes the most effective structure and procedures for delivering services and programs and maximizing the output of staff. Organizations also do business planning before they launch new programs or social enterprises designed to bring in new sources of earned income.

Business Planning Topics

  • Optimal organizational structure and processes
  • Earned income strategies or social enterprises
  • Service mix
  • Client/community needs
  • Resource requirements
  • Growth strategy
  • Cost management
  • Financial projections

Sample Process

Each project is approached in the way that will work best for your organization. Here is an example of how ESC consultants might approach the development of a business plan.



  • Staff and board have a shared understanding of the organization’s priorities and goals.
  • Greater alignment among staff
  • Improve financial stability by better understanding sources and uses of revenue.
  • Strategies for lowering costs
  • Improved ability to attract funders with a clear plan of operation

Potential Deliverables

  • Start-up plan for a new nonprofit
  • 1-3 year business plan
  • Business plan for a new program or social enterprise